
Thursday, 18 August 2011

What we can do to help ease world hunger

Assalamualaikum and hello guys!Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak!We hope that you are in the pink of health. Instead of that, we are really tired.

The first thing is so simple that you would think that everyone would accept it as the starting point for discussion and policy.  There is a basic enforceable human right to food.  That should be at the heart of the international food system.  Food is not primarily a commodity to be bought and sold like sneakers, dresses or bicycles.  It is a fundamental human necessity and must be treated as such in the economics of every country and the world community.  Nutritious food for each person on earth goes right along with clean air and water as the sources of life that cannot be denied to any person.

Strangely, our government does not yet accept this obvious truth and despite our generous spirit and long track record of humanitarian aid this omission holds us back from the kind of effectiveness that is necessary to solve the problem.  The right to food must guide all programs and policies that our government or any government and all relief and development agencies promote.

Oh we are running out of time. We will continue later..

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